June 26, 2018, witnessed a remarkable day for volunteerism as Volunteers Pakistan Organisation (VPO) has officially inaugurated the student branch at Usman Institute of Technology (UIT), Karachi, Pakistan.
The oath-taking ceremony, along with the introduction of team members from the student branch was the set outcome of the morning. Chief guest includes Mr. Rafiq Ahmed Lakhani, CEO RASTEK Technologies and Vice President VPO; Prof. Dr. Abid Kareem, Senior engineer and Technological innovator and Mr. Mansoor Zafar, President VPO.
Mr. Rafiq Ahmed Lakhani presented RASTEKs dedicated work towards the promotion of education and their collaborations with VPO and UIT for years. Chief of Honor presented the idea of volunteerism and sustainable development.
Mr. Mansoor Zafar enlightens the importance of Volunteering and society building in his most important speech. He delivers the vision and mission of VPO as a dedicated organization to cater to the Socio-Economic welfare of Pakistan.
Oath is based on principles of Pakistan first and promotion of Pakistan’s cause in terms of education, cultural promotion, problem-solving and all with self-funding and sustainable basis. It is the key to maintain a higher perspective of self-creation and self-building from skills in hand.
May Allah Almighty give VPO and UIT strength to achieve these goals.