The theme of this event was “ICT innovations: Emerging Technologies and Future Trends”
The jam-packed seminar was a big success, in terms of quality of papers read and a large attendance of key Industry leaders and senior faculty members from the entire country.
RASTEK also showcased some latest equipment and teaching kits at its exclusive stall.
Some glimpses taken at this occasion are being attached.
We @ Rastek are committed to the noble cause of education, with special emphasis on Higher Education and will continue to patronage such healthy educational/industrial activities.
Stay tuned with us to listen to more such news.
Some of the photographs of the event are appended below:
Chief Guest Javed R. Laghari, Chairman UIT Dr. Manzoor, Chairperson Hamdard Dr. Sadia, Vice-Chancellor Hamdard Brig. Dr. Naseem, Director UIT Prof. Dr. Waseem Akhtar and All faculty members of Usman Institute of Technology
From Right to Left (C.E.O RASTEK Technologies Rafiq Ahmed Lakhani, Director UIT Prof. Dr. Waseem Akhtar, Vice-Chancellor Hamdard Brig. Dr. Naseem, Chairman UIT Dr. Manzoor, Principal Engr. KANUPP Engr. A.K. Mujahid and Director Finance UIT Mr. Zia